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소노인터내셔널 여수지점(소노캄 여수) 라인 아이콘

"Sono Calm YEOSU"

  • 카테고리|숙박및베뉴




‘호남권 최초, 유일 5성 인증 호텔’



그랜드볼룸, 릴리(중연회장), 사파이어(소회의장)


CONVENIENT FACILITIES 피트니스 클럽, 더 라운지, 비즈니스 센터

RESTAURANT 셰프스 키친, 마레첼로, 에스뜨레자, 카페 인디고



2012 여수세계박람회 88개국 250여명 대표단 방문

2015 전남창조경제혁신센터 케이터링 서비스 진행

(박근혜 전대통령 참석)

2017 전국 시도지사간담회,대한민국지방자치박람회 케이터링

서비스 진행(문재인 전대통령 참석)

2018 호남권 최초 5성 인증 호텔

2019 세계한상대회 1200명 만찬서비스 전담

2022 세계한인경제인대회 1500명 만찬서비스

2023 세계에서 가장 아름다운 만 세계총회 개최(10월 예정)



SONO CALM YEOSU, located in the city which hosted the 2012 World Expo

and one of the top 4 most beautiful ports in the World as well as Odong Island,

is a place that gives real worth to the lives of its valued guests.


convention center with cutting-edge equipment, as well as a pleasant environment

and interior that looks toward the waters of the South Sea

and refined services that gain value the longer you stay with us.


All rooms look onto the emerald waters of the South Sea,

allowing you to feel a sense of relaxation and romanticism.


Discover for yourself the luxury and new hotel culture at the SONO CALM YEOSU,

emerging as a new landmark in the South Sea coast’s romantic and beautiful coastal city of Yeosu.


As a first class hotel, we offer the very best services

with a ceaseless sense of dedication and sincerity,

and ensure that our valued clientele leave having made cherished memories

and unforgettable experiences.



홈페이지 제작 designed by 마그네틱소프트